3 December: Call for Papers for Mesh (Charles Dickens Special Edition)

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Mesh publishes high-quality undergraduate work that makes interesting connections between two or more of the various strands of English, including literature, language/linguistics, creative writing, drama, media and film studies.

EXTENDED DEADLINE: Monday 3rd December 2018

“The next issue of Mesh will be on the theme of the work of Charles Dickens. We invite submissions based on first-class undergraduate work which explores one or more of Dickens’s works. For example, this could be a linguistic analysis of Dickens’s representation of accents, a review of an adaptation of one of Dickens’s novels, a comparative analysis of how light and darkness feature in several of his works, an infographic comparing Dickens’s use of rural and urban settings, etc.”

The full CfP is available from https://www.integratingenglish.com/mesh-call-for-submissions
