Environmental Humanities Symposium – Seas and Trees

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Seas and Trees Symposium
20th June 2024
University of Birmingham (Edgbaston campus)
Arts building, room 103 (‘Constance Naden’)

From 930: refreshments available

10am – 1130: panel session
– Jimmy Packham and Laurence Publicover, ‘Ignatius Donnelly and the Nineteenth-Century Atlantis’
– Amanda Blake Davis, ‘“The sea-blooms and the oozy woods”: Seascapes and Treescapes in Shelley’
– Katie Garner, ‘Diving for Pearls’
– Elizabeth Edwards, ‘Reading Seas in the Work of Ann Julia Hatton/“Ann of Swansea” (1764-1838)’

1130-12: coffee break

12-1315: panel session
– Jeremy Davies, ‘Timber, Coal, and Ecology’
– Dion Dobrzynski, ‘Imagining an Ecological Society in William Morris’s The Water of the Wondrous Isles (1897)’
– Anna Burton, ‘Lakeland Trees: A Literary and Arboreal History of Tree Planting, Cultivation, and Caretaking in the English Lake District’

115-2pm: lunch

2-3pm: seas and trees discussion forum – blue and green humanities today
– Kate Rigby, ‘Symposesie. Potentiation, Conviviality and Collaboration in Romantic Ecopoetics’
– Steve Mentz, ‘A Poetics of Planetary Water: The Blue Humanities after John Gillis’

3-330: coffee and cake

330-415: general roundtable discussion (building on morning papers and AOB)

From 430: drinks at the Edgbaston Park Hotel (on campus)