Feb 17: Rebecca Mitchell at the BMI: “Death Becomes Her: On Victorian Mourning”

Mon. 17 Feb: Rebecca N. Mitchell BMI Partner Talk, “Death Becomes Her: On Victorian Mourning” Birmingham & Midland Institute, 1:00-2:00pm. For Victorian widows, mourning could be a full time job. Strict rules dictated what one could wear and where one could go in the weeks and months following a bereavement. But the Victorians also made … Continue reading “Feb 17: Rebecca Mitchell at the BMI: “Death Becomes Her: On Victorian Mourning””

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Works-In-Progress: Dr. Kathryn Milligan (UCD), “Towards a Four Nations Art History? The G. F Watts Memorial Exhibition, 1905 – 06”

Mon. 24 February: Works-in-Progress, Dr. Kathryn Milligan (UCD), “Towards a Four Nations Art History? The G. F Watts Memorial Exhibition, 1905 – 06,” 1:00-2:00pm. For papers, contact Matthew Ward (m.ward.1@bham.ac.uk). ***VENUE CHANGE***: Please note that this event will now be held in the Winteringham Room at the Birmingham Rep, next to the Birmingham City Library … Continue reading “Works-In-Progress: Dr. Kathryn Milligan (UCD), “Towards a Four Nations Art History? The G. F Watts Memorial Exhibition, 1905 – 06””

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Postponed! Dr. Tony Howe: “Epistolary Romanticism”

The 19CC has had to postpone all Spring 2020 events from 20 March 2020 due to the coronavirus. We look forward to welcoming Tony Howe in the future. Please watch this space for updates. 

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Postponed!: Wordsworth Birthday Roundtable

The 19CC has had to postpone all Spring 2020 events from 20 March 2020 due to the coronavirus. We look forward to celebrating Wordsworth in the future. Please watch this space for updates. 

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2 October: Research Centre Meet & Greet

Meet the EDACS Research Centres! UoB Post-grads, it’s time for the yearly pizza-fest with your friendly local Research Centres. Learn about the seminars, workshops, and other events taking place this academic year; get involved and meet new people while you’re at it. Wednesday, October 2nd, 4-6pm in Arts Lecture Room 4.

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9 October: Book Launch and 19C Post-Grad Mixer

Join us to celebrate recent book publications with chat, nibbles, drinks, and remarks from  Drs. Melissa Dickson & Andrew Hodgson (Birmingham) and recent UoB Alum Dr. Clare Stainthorp (London). Learn about the publishing process & the autumn events at the 19CC. Everyone welcome, post-grads especially! Featured books: Anxious Times: Medicine and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Britain by … Continue reading “9 October: Book Launch and 19C Post-Grad Mixer”

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Welcome to the Nineteenth-Century Centre

The Nineteenth-Century Centre at the University of Birmingham provides a collaborative network for scholars working across traditional disciplinary, national, and temporal boundaries. We host regular events of interest to our members and mobilise the rich resources of the local area to support both research and teaching.

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