The Big Bang Fair!

The Big Bang Fair is one of the biggest STEM fairs in the country, attended by vast numbers of young people who come to see the extensive array of demonstrators and exhibitors. This year, along with Network Rail, engineering giants such as Shell, HS2 and Network Rail, as well as all three branches of the … Continue reading “The Big Bang Fair!”

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It’s all about community! The BCRRE Rail Alliance launch event report.

The imposing setting of Millennium Point in central Birmingham provided the venue yesterday (11th March) for the launch of the new Rail Alliance. Over 300 railway professionals came together to learn more about the new offering and what this would mean for their businesses and the rail supply chain industry.

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Opening the BCRRE Blog

As a Centre that enjoys communicating and engaging with the rest of the world, it seems surprising that we have got to 2019 without broadcasting on every channel available. The good news is that this is changing! I am delighted to formally open the BCRRE Blog by cutting the metaphorical ribbon and declaring this Blog … Continue reading “Opening the BCRRE Blog”

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