A Journey of Engineering and Empathy: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity 

By Kimberley Harding  Having grown up in a world of complex engineering concepts and innovative designs, I’m passionate about weaving accessibility and inclusivity into the fabric of everyday life. As a railway engineer of over ten years and a researcher specialising in design inclusion, ergonomics, and railway engineering, I greatly advocate for change and user-centred … Continue reading “A Journey of Engineering and Empathy: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity “

Education for Innovation

Dr Holly Foss, Director of Education provides her account on the RIA Innovation Conference 2023 and the takeaways from the event. Last week I had the pleasure of attending the RIA Innovation conference alongside colleagues from BCRRE, Southampton, and Huddersfield as part of UKRRIN. Now in its 13th year, the RIA Innovation Conference is an … Continue reading “Education for Innovation”

Unlocking future freight transport capability through vehicle aerodynamics

Dr David Soper Lecturer in Railway Aerodynamics at the University of Birmingham’s Railway Research and Education Centre talks about the safety, air quality, aerodynamics, fuel consumption and decarbonisation of rail freight. Our work in the field of vehicle aerodynamics extends far beyond the traditional view of automotive aerodynamics and matters of car performance. We consider … Continue reading “Unlocking future freight transport capability through vehicle aerodynamics”

Adapting to climate change in Japan: a railway perspective

Sarah Greenham, PhD Student in Civil Engineering talks about what we can learn from other countries’ approach to resilience and adaptation. We can already see, as outlined in Rachel Fisher’s blog, some of the impact climate change has on railway networks: rail buckles, landslips and flood damage, to name a few. Facing future climate norms, … Continue reading “Adapting to climate change in Japan: a railway perspective”