Paving the Way for Blind Passengers: Bridging the Transport Divide with Technology

In support of the IBSA World Games taking place on campus, here at the University of Birmingham; Dr Joe Preece talks about some of his recent research and how this can be applied more specifically for blind and/or isually impaired passengers. In the bustling society of the 21st Century, transport isn’t merely a convenience – … Continue reading “Paving the Way for Blind Passengers: Bridging the Transport Divide with Technology”

Mind the Data Gap: Bridging DfT’s Transport Data Strategy with tomorrow’s tech

Dr Joe Preece’s researches explores the intersection of computer science and the rail industry, applying innovative solutions to drive improvement. For this piece he takes a closer look at the route of the strategy and the potential delays in the way (pardon the railway puns). We must harness the potential of AI to revolutionise the … Continue reading “Mind the Data Gap: Bridging DfT’s Transport Data Strategy with tomorrow’s tech”

The UK Science and Technology Framework: We like it, we support it, we want to make it happen!

This week saw the publication of the Science and Technology Framework setting out the current government’s strategy and ambition to become a Science and Technology Superpower. Fronted by the newly created Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology and under the leadership of MP Michelle Donelan, the Framework outlines ten key areas of focus in developing … Continue reading “The UK Science and Technology Framework: We like it, we support it, we want to make it happen!”

What did it take to get HydroFLEX onto the mainline?

Charles Calvert, PhD student in the BCRRE Power and Traction research group and Lead Systems Engineer for HydroFLEX takes us through the history of HydroFLEX and some of the key technical challenges the team resolved in order to take the train successfully onto the UK mainline – the first Hydrogen train ever to run on … Continue reading “What did it take to get HydroFLEX onto the mainline?”

Destination Decarbonisation Day 3: Innovation

Alex Burrows Director of BCRRE Rail Alliance provides a quick overview on today’s Destination Decarbonisation: Innovation Day, what it involved and covers some of the questions that came in. Today was the third and final day of our Destination Decarbonisation ONference delivered by BCRRE and the Rail Alliance.  Today we were also joined by our … Continue reading “Destination Decarbonisation Day 3: Innovation”

Blockchain Technology for the Rail Industry

Joe Preece, a PhD Researcher at the University of Birmingham, describes how blockchain could make rail supply chains more transparent, thereby enhancing trust in suppliers, and doing this in a cost-effective way. What is a supply chain? A supply chain is the process through which materials and components travel, from production through to sale. It … Continue reading “Blockchain Technology for the Rail Industry”

A Systems-approach to asset management

Reza Zolfaghari, Senior Technical Officer with the Digi-Rail project and an expert in systems engineering, considers asset management processes and systems. The requirement of modern railway asset management is moving from reactive maintenance, towards smart, proactive and condition-based maintenance which uses data obtained directly from the assets themselves. There is no doubt that technological innovation is … Continue reading “A Systems-approach to asset management”

Supply Chain: When change is needed, be radical

Dr Marcelo Blumenfeld, Industrial Fellow in Introducing Innovation,  talks about the disruption to the Rail Supply Chain, lack of resilience in our systems and using this pandemic as a wake up call. Needless to say the global impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented – all the hashtags, webinars, and blog posts have told us … Continue reading “Supply Chain: When change is needed, be radical”

Rail innovation: How are UKRRIN and its members helping to change the perception?

Nailah Fraser-Haynes, Senior Partnership Manager at RSSB, talks to us about UKRRIN and the importance of academia and industry coming together  to move forward. Every transport mode faces challenges, but there is one commonality… the desire to make things better, to innovate. The confidence and ability to do so is often a ‘put your money … Continue reading “Rail innovation: How are UKRRIN and its members helping to change the perception?”

BCRRE Rail Decarbonisation Week

Alex Burrows, Director of BCRRE, introduces BCRRE’s Rail Decarbonisation week Last week, with all of the other news going on, many will have missed the UK Government’s policy paper, Decarbonising Transport: Setting the Challenge that sets out the Department for Transport’s strategy for developing their Transport Decarbonisation Plan which will be published later in 2020.  … Continue reading “BCRRE Rail Decarbonisation Week”