Four questions with…Helen

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Helen Rawnsley (BSc Business Management with Year in Industry, 2017), Corporate Partnerships Associate at Birmingham Children’s Hospital shares some tips and advice as well as some recommendations for the first year as a graduate.Helen-rawnsley

What is the biggest mistake you have made since graduating and what have you learnt from it?

I probably put too much pressure on myself in the first few weeks of my job to learn everything really quickly and make a good impression. I booked in a lot of things after work too. Looking back, I wish that I had taken things at a more steady pace and taken time to enjoy the transition to a new job rather than putting lots of pressure on myself.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Don’t be scared to be fun at work! I work as a fundraiser and as I was talking to one of our corporate supporters he said, for his company, it was so important for fundraisers to be fun! Companies fundraise for a number of reasons, but employee morale and engagement is often key and they would rather fundraisers be friendly, informal and chatty as this is different to what they see every day.

What do you know now that you wish you’d known as soon as you graduated?

That things will all come together and work out in the end- if you don’t get into your dream job straight away don’t be afraid to try something different. Doors will very often open to get you to the right place for you.

Can you recommend us something?

I would recommend keeping up reading for pleasure when you start work. Of course it’s important to keep up with the news and updates in your sector but make sure you take time to read what you like – be it at lunchtime, on the train or before a meeting.

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