City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – December 2022

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements Dr Juliane Schwarz presented at the Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Seminar Series 2022 at the Centre for Business Prosperity, Aston Business School, on ‘Evaluating a Person-centred Start-up accelerator’ on 9th December. Dr Annum Rafique presented “Smart Energy – An Energy System for the 21st Century” at the DREAM … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – December 2022”

REDI Updates 3: Issues Around Levelling Up Evaluation for Place-Based Interventions

Welcome to REDI-Updates. REDI-Updates aims to get behind the data and translate it into understandable terms. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring levelling up. In this article, George Bramley outlines some of the key factors to consider … Continue reading “REDI Updates 3: Issues Around Levelling Up Evaluation for Place-Based Interventions”

City-REDI / WMREDI Monthly Update – June 2022

Events – presenting work/speaking engagements On 7th June, Carolin Ioramashvili presented a paper “Building Bridges and Providing Direction: The Role of STEM Assets in Innovation Ecosystems” (with Simon Collinson, Magda Cepeda Zorrilla, Annum Rafique and Pei-Yu Yuan) at the Global Conference for Economic Geography in Dublin, in a special session on “Understanding the Connection between … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Monthly Update – June 2022”

Levelling Up: There Are International Success Stories the UK Should Look To

Welcome to REDI-Updates – providing expert data insights and clear policy guidance. In this edition, WMREDI staff look at the government’s flagship policy – Levelling Up. We look at the challenge of implementing, understanding and measuring this Levelling Up. In this blog, Dr Abigail Taylor looks at how the UK’s approach to levelling up compares … Continue reading “Levelling Up: There Are International Success Stories the UK Should Look To”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – May 2022

Events – presenting work/speaking engagements On 26th April, City-REDI hosted a visit of four people from BEIS (Science, Technology, and Innovation Analysis team). The day included a visit to the Tyseley Energy Park in the morning, followed by lunch and presentations at the Exchange. Professor Anne Green chaired the afternoon discussions, and Professor Simon Collinson, … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – May 2022”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – April 2022

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements On 30th March, George Bramley and Dr Abigail Taylor presented on how incubators can act as engines for growth at a roundtable organised by the West Midlands Health Technologies Cluster. Dr Sara Hassan was hosted in a Podcast by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung to speak about Sustainable Urban Transport Justice and … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – April 2022”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – February 2022

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements John Goddard participated in the first meeting of the Advisory Group for the European Programme on Higher Education and (regional) Smart Specialisation on 11th February. On 22nd February he joined Andrés Rodriguez Pose from LSE as a keynote speaker at the launch of the OECD programme on the … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – February 2022”

Other Countries Have Made Progress in Levelling Up – Here’s How the UK’s Plan Compares

Dr Abigail Taylor looks at how the UK’s approach to levelling up compares with regions that have been successful in reducing inequalities. She draws on recent research she contributed to led by Anne Green, Professor of Regional Economic Development, City-REDI and Jeffrey Matsu, Chief Economist at CIPFA. Liam O’Farrell, Hannes Read, Gina Coe, Ben Brittain, and … Continue reading “Other Countries Have Made Progress in Levelling Up – Here’s How the UK’s Plan Compares”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – January 2022

Media engagements On 27th January, Professor Simon Collinson and Ellie MacDonald were interviewed by ITV productions as part of a series of films being made for the West Midlands Growth Company. Reports / publications released Abigail Taylor contributed to a new report published by the Centre for Inequality and Levelling Up (CEILUP) at the University … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – January 2022”

Reflections on Assessing Value for Money at Local Government Level

George Bramley discusses his attendance and presentation at a recent Green Book event, and why these events are so useful for those who commission, produce or review business cases at the local government level.  I recently had the opportunity to share my reflections at the ‘Green Book: One Year On: Value for Money’ event in … Continue reading “Reflections on Assessing Value for Money at Local Government Level”