City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – November 2022

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements Pei-Yu Yuan presented “Public procurement and innovation ‘missions’” at The Productivity Institute in-house meeting on 2nd  November 2022. Annum Rafique  presented at the Smart Energy – An Energy System for the 21st Century” at ‘Midlands Engine Research Partnership‘ meeting and at the ‘Midlands Engine Intelligence Committee’ meeting on 10th November … Continue reading “City-REDI/WMREDI Round Up – November 2022”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 25 November 2022

This fortnight we saw another budget announcement, which has highlighted the global and national economic situation post pandemic and makes it difficult to read, we have a full summary of activities and an assessment of some of the implications for the region. PMI is reflecting the low current business confidence, as energy prices rise, and … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 25 November 2022”

Key Facts and Figures About the Graduate Technical Workforce

Kostas Kollydas and Anne Green explore the demographics of the UK’s graduate technical workforce and the wider equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) challenges the workforce faces.   This blog was originally posted on the HEPI website and is part of series with Midlands Innovation championing the role of technicians in higher education and research. Midlands Innovation is … Continue reading “Key Facts and Figures About the Graduate Technical Workforce”

Local Funding Flows for Youth Employment and Skills

Anne Green and Abigail Taylor discuss their new project with Connecting Futures to identify, describe and map funding flows from national to local areas for youth employment and skills. Visit the Local Funding Flows for Youth Employment and Skills webpage. Background The Connected Futures Fund (CFF) is a £16 million fund from the Youth Futures … Continue reading “Local Funding Flows for Youth Employment and Skills”

Linking Research to Localities – The City-Region Economic Development Institute

Simon Collinson, Rebecca Riley, and Anne Green reflect on the experience of developing City-REDI and the factors that have enabled it to produce research tailored to the needs of regional stakeholders. An invitation to write a chapter for a book titled ‘How to Engage PolicyRe Makers with Your Research: The Art of Informing and Impacting Policy’ provided a … Continue reading “Linking Research to Localities – The City-Region Economic Development Institute”

West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 11 November 2022

This fortnight, with a new PM in place, leading business representative organisations, including the CBI, FSB and the Chambers of Commerce have called for certainty and stability from the new Prime Minister to restore business confidence in the UK. They are calling for Rishi Sunak to restore fiscal credibility, stabilise the economy and deliver much … Continue reading “West Midlands Economic Impact Monitor – 11 November 2022”

City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – October 2022

Events – presenting work / speaking engagements City-REDI / WMREDI held two fringe events during the party conference season. Professor Adam Tickell hosted the second event held at The Exchange. On 19th October, City-REDI / WMREDI hosted the Civic Network Advisory Group Dinner at The Exchange. On 20th October, City-REDI and the Greater Birmingham Chambers … Continue reading “City-REDI / WMREDI Round Up – October 2022”

West Midlands Impact Monitor – 28th October 2022

Rishi Sunak is now UK Prime Minister. Concerns about inflation remain paramount for businesses, households and individuals. Russia has continued its targeted attack on Ukrainian energy supplies since last Monday, with an estimated 1.5m households now without electricity. Almost a third of Ukraine’s power stations and other energy-generating facilities having been destroyed in the attacks … Continue reading “West Midlands Impact Monitor – 28th October 2022”

WMREDI Policy Briefing: Financial Resilience During Economic Decline

In this policy briefing, Dr Amir Qamar, Dr Emma Gardner, Professor Anne Green and Professor Simon Collinson review the financial health of the largest 50 manufacturing firms within the West Midlands. Introduction The ongoing impact of the UK’s departure from the EU, the aftermath of the pandemic, and the recent depreciation of the pound provide … Continue reading “WMREDI Policy Briefing: Financial Resilience During Economic Decline”

West Midlands Impact Monitor – 14th October 2022

An interesting fact: marmalade has seen a rapid rise in sales surging by 18%, as the nation paid its respects to the Queen. Sales of supermarket own brands continue to surge in an effort to battle the cost-of living crisis. Sales of wonky fruit and vegetables have soared 38% and Lidl is the fastest growing … Continue reading “West Midlands Impact Monitor – 14th October 2022”