CPR members published over 50 articles in the first 6 months of 2021. A list of publications and link to the available full text are provided here.
Jiménez-Grande D, Martinez-Valdes E, Atashzar F, Falla D. Muscle network topology analysis for the classification of chronic neck pain based on EMG biomarkers extracted during walking. Plos One. Online ahead of print.
Sanderson A, Wang SF, Elgueta Cancino E, Martinez Valdes E, Sanchis-Sanchez E, Liew B, Falla D. The effect of experimental and clinical musculoskeletal pain on spinal and supraspinal projections to motoneurons and motor unit properties in humans: a systematic review. Eur J Pain. 2021 May 8. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1789.
McManus L, Lowery M, Merletti R, Søgaard K, Besomi M, Clancy EA, van Dieën JH, Hug F, Wrigley T, Besier T, Carson RG, Disselhorst-Klug C, Enoka RM, Falla D, Farina D, Gandevia S, Holobar A, Kiernan MC, McGill K, Perreault E, Rothwell JC, Tucker K, Hodges PW. Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Terminology matrix. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2021 May 27;59:102565. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2021.102565. Online ahead of print.
Middlebrook N, Rushton AB, Abichandani D, Kuithan P, Heneghan NR, Falla D. Eur J Pain. 2021 Jan;25(1):71-87.
Aitchison B, Rushton AB, Martin P, Soundy A, Heneghan NR. The podium illusion: a phenomenological study of the influence of social support on well-being and performance in elite para swimmers. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2021 Apr 21;13(1):42.
Powell A, Levy E, Heneghan NR, Horsley I. Intra-rater reliability, inter-rater reliability and minimal detectable change of the posterior shoulder endurance test in elite athletes. Phys Ther Sport. 2021 May;49:62-67.
Dowling A, Slungaard E, Heneghan NR. Development of a patient-reported outcome measure for neck pain in military aircrew: qualitative interviews to inform design and content. BMJ Open. 2021 Feb 19;11(2):e039488.
Heneghan NR, Nazareth M, Johnson WJ, Tyros I, Sadi J, Gillis H, Rushton AB. Experiences of telehealth e-mentoring within postgraduate musculoskeletal physical therapy education in the UK and Canada: a protocol for parallel mixed-methods studies and cross-cultural comparison. BMJ Open. 2021 Feb 5;11(2):e042602.
Esmaeilian N, Everaert J, Dehghani M, Khatibi A, Moradi AR, Koster EHW (2021) Emotional working memory updating in individuals with borderline personality features. JBTEP, 71, 101636
Saberi M, Khosrowabadi R, Khatibi A, Misic B, Jafari Gh. (2021).Topological impact of negative links on the stability of resting-state brain network. Scientific Reports, 11, 2176
Cohen-Adad et al. (2021). Open-access MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers. Scientific Data, Online ahead of print.
Cohen-Adad et al. (2021). Generic acquisition protocol for quantitative MRI of the spinal cord. Nature Protocols, Online ahead of print.
Lashkari A, Dehghani M, Sadeghi-Firoozabadi V, Heidari M, Khatibi M (2021). Further Support for the Psychometric Properties of the Farsi Version of Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire, Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 657660.
Matthews D, Elgueta-Cancino E, Falla D, Khatibi A (2021). Exploring pain interference with motor skill learning in humans: A Protocol for a systematic review, BMJ Open, Online ahead of print
Watanabe K, Martins Vieira T, Gallina A, Kouzaki M, Moritani T (2021) Novel Insights Into Biarticular Muscle Actions Gained From High-Density Electromyogram. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. Online ahead of print.
Gallina A, Abboud J, Blouin JS (2021). A task-relevant experimental pain model to target motor adaptation, The Journal of Physiology, Online ahead of print.