Research Resources: Ethics and Expertise

As part of the launch of the new ESRC Ethics and Expertise beyond times of crisis project, we have been searching through our pilot research and compiling some resources to get us started. Some of these we hope will be useful for researchers, data ethics professionals, civil servants and policy makers who are exploring the … Continue reading “Research Resources: Ethics and Expertise”

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New ESRC research project launched: Ethics and Expertise 2023-2026

In May we launched a new ESRC funded project ‘Ethics and Expertise’ with research partners at the Universities of Bielefeld, Sheffield, Melbourne, Karlshochschule International University and Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Project Summary Governments are not currently following their own ethical advice during times of crisis, and we want to find out why, what this means … Continue reading “New ESRC research project launched: Ethics and Expertise 2023-2026”

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