The institutional embeddedness of ethics advice

Author: Prof. Dr. Holger Straßheim This is Part 1 of Prof Staßheim’s reflections of international comparative analysis of ethics bodies and committees. Part 2 will focus on Civic Epistemologies. Probably one of the most pressing problems within recent studies of ethics advice and expertise concerns the institutional and cultural embeddedness of science-policy relations. In this … Continue reading “The institutional embeddedness of ethics advice”

Insights from “Rebuilding trust and integrity in the Australian Public Service” conference

Author: Dr Sarah Ball Our ESRC funded project “Expertise and Ethics in Times of Crisis” explores forms of ethical advice provided to governments and how that advice is perceived. While we are specifically focused on cases of crisis, the institutional forms and cultural norms surrounding the provision of ethical advice influence how and when that advice is … Continue reading “Insights from “Rebuilding trust and integrity in the Australian Public Service” conference”