At the height of the Great Depression, the League of Nations addressed the economic restoration of Central and Eastern Europe at a special conference, which was mandated by the Lausanne Conference of 1932 with the aim to prepare proposals for the Commission of Enquiry for European Union to restore Central and Eastern Europe’s economy. This … Continue reading “The Economic Restoration of Central and Eastern Europe (Stresa Conference)”
Author: Jasmin Nithammer
Online bibliography
Our project bibliography aims to list (largely) secondary literature on the Great Depression with a specific focus on Interwar East Central Europe. It will be updated on a regular basis. You can find it via Zotero Groups under Bibliography of Economic Crisis in Interwar East Central Europe.
“Poverty in the [Polish] countryside”
In the Second Republic of Poland, the group that was hit the hardest by the Great Economic Crisis but the least recognized in the social welfare system were the farmers. The social group of farmers was not homogenous, and the differences in poverty and wealth among them could not have been bigger. At one end … Continue reading ““Poverty in the [Polish] countryside””
Voices of the Economic Crisis – Farmers in Poland
The Second Polish Republic (1918-1939) was considered a rural country with nearly 65% of its population working in agriculture. Life was not easy for these people in general and when the economic crisis of the 1930s hit Poland it became even worse. In 1933 the Institute of Social Economy [Instytut Gospodarstwa Społecznego] advertised a contest … Continue reading “Voices of the Economic Crisis – Farmers in Poland”
About the project
‘The Liminality of Failing Democracy: East Central Europe during the Interwar Slump’ is a research project funded by the Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung for a duration of three years (2021 – 2024). The project team investigates how the crises of the interwar period, culminating in the Great Depression, transformed societies and states across East Central Europe. East Central … Continue reading “About the project”