Student Mobile App Competition 2012-2013 Demos Day

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As part of the Student Mobile App Competition judging process, the IT Innovation Centre has organised 2 sessions for students to demo their apps. Each finalists will have 10 minutes to demo their app and 5 minutes to answer questions. This event will be the first of a kind in the University. Demos will take place on 11th and 12th July in the ERI Building (G3 on Campus Map) – Room G51.

Schedules as follows:
11th July 
 App Title  Time  Venue
 Food on Campus: Campus Helper 10:00-10:15 ERI-G51
 Dentify 10:15-10:30 ERI-G51
 Get On Up 10:30-10:45 ERI-G51
 HereWeSay: Campus Map Social 10:45-11:00 ERI-G51
 UoB Personal Timetable 11:00-11:15 ERI-G51
 12th July  
 App Title  Time  Venue
 Pentago Game  10:00-10:15  ERI-G51
 Campus Map: Satellite Navigation System  10:15-10:30  ERI-G51
 UoB Finder: Augmented Reality Map  10:30-10:45  ERI-G51
 MedSoc  10:45-11:00  ERI-G51
 Judging panel convenes during break  11:00-11:30  ERI-G51
 Prize/awards  11:30-11:45  ERI-G51

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