Student Mobile App Competition 2013-2014

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The SMAC competition –organised by the IT Innovation Centre- is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students in the university. Participants are asked to develop a working app or a fully working prototype which must be innovative and of value to the university and the wider community. Build a mobile app useful to other members of the university or the wider community.

  •  All mobile apps must be developed by students of the university
  •  Students can enter the competition individually or as a team

How it works

The SMAC competition runs in 3 stages ( 30 October 2013- 28 March 2014):

STAGE 1. Idea submission:

All participants are asked to submit a short report (500 words approx.) describing their app and its innovation value.

During this phase the IT Innovation Centre will organise an ideas generation workshop to bring together students with ideas and students with technical skills. If you have an idea that you would like to develop but have no technical expertise or if you are a good programmer do contact us at Attendance to the workshop is compulsory if you want to get the PSA accreditation.

STAGE 2. App development:

Participants are given time to develop their apps. During this phase of the competition there will be support available through the IT Innovation Centre and other parts of the university to offer students advice on the design and implementation of their apps.

  • Deadline for submission of apps/working prototypes: Friday 28thFebruary 2014
  • Apps and documentation to be submitted by email to

STAGE 3. Judging, Demos and Awards:

Once the apps have been submitted, shortlisted finalists will be invited to demo their apps to a panel of experts from the university and industry and a general audience. Prizes will be awarded to the winning apps.

  • Demos dates: 28th March 2014


IBM and Deutsche Bank are now official sponsors of the Student Mobile App Competition. As a prize for the winners of the SMAC Competition 2013-2014, Deutsche Bank will be offering a 14 week paid industrial placement in Birmingham. IBM will be offering a similar paid placement. Representatives from IBM and Deutsche Bank will be part of the judging panel to choose the winning apps. Other prizes will include tablet computers and voluntary placements in the IT Innovation Centre. The SMAC Competition is also accredited through the Personal Skills Award employability programme.

Competition Prize: Certificate, paid placement at IBM and Deutsche Bank, Personal Skills Award credits.

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