Virtual Labs – An investigation in to the future of the teaching labs

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The demand for virtual lab is growing with the development of online learning. Online lectures by video are fine for conveying facts, formulas and concepts, but they can’t give students experience in planning an experiment and analysing data, or exercising any of the other practical and social skills essential for success in science. Researchers
and lecturers are seeking new ways to teach the practical skills especially in the STEM subjects (STEM- science, technology, engineering and mathematics). As part of the investigation for the Collaborative Teaching Lab project, virtual lab is not only a measure to enhance the teaching and student experience in learning practical skills but also provides a new means for remote students to participate in lab.

Aim of evaluation

  1. As part of the investigation for the Collaborative Teaching Lab project,
  2. Define what a virtual lab is and its requirements;
  3. Review current technologies and development methodologies used in virtual labs in STEM subjects (STEMscience, technology, engineering and mathematics);
  4. Survey and compare other competitors’ and our implementation of virtual lab;
  5. Feedback and discussion from the mini conference of the future of the teaching Lab

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