IT Services Customer Experience and Communications: Building foundations

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IT Services (ITS) Customer Experience (CX)

Over the past eight months, we have been developing the foundations of the CX programme, ensuring ITS staff have a common understanding of what it is, and why it is one of our strategic priorities. We have also been looking at the best solution to analyse customer feedback and provide insight for improving the systems and services we provide across the University.

Progress to date

There have been many CX activities taking place behind the scenes such as; persona design and development; customer interviews (staff and students); data analysis; new CX SharePoint site (helping to share CX knowledge internally and externally); and various workshops; focus groups, and journey mapping sessions. You will find a detailed overview of CX progress in the recent ITS news blog article, Small steps, Big rewards’

“A lot has happened in a very short space of time. It has been extremely challenging, especially without a dedicated Customer Experience team in place. However, I’m very pleased with how far we’ve come, even if it does feel like a drop in the ocean!” Kim Yeandle-Hignell, Customer Experience Manager

To help increase CX awareness, training and activity, our aim is to form a small CX/Communications team by the end of 2017. You will hear more about these changes over the coming months. In the lead up to this, some CX activity will be placed on hold, so we can focus on improving our communication channels, and internal processes.

IT Services Communications

CX and Communications are closely linked, and it is vital that we spend time improving our communications by developing a clear strategy and roadmap, linked to the overall ITS strategic business objectives.

What progress has been made?
A number of improvements have already been made, for example, we have an overview of the ITS Communications strategy and draft roadmap of activity. We have also created a new internal communications channel, the ITS news blog. This new channel is very important and provides an excellent opportunity for all areas across ITS to share their news and updates, it also provides a channel for us to celebrate ITS staff members and their many talents, find out more on the ‘Spotlight on our People’ page. There are also a number of other internal ITS communication channels being worked on currently.

Next steps?
We have already started to look at our current communication processes, and plan to improve and streamline where possible. This will also provide an opportunity for all ITS staff involved in producing external communications across the service via a number of channels (e.g. intranet, social media, UoB external website, ServiceNow, etc.) to come together and develop a strong process, ensuring content and messaging is consistent and reflects our key messages.

If you have any ideas on how we can improve ITS communications, and employee engagement let us know – we’re all ears!

For more information about IT Services Customer Experience and Communications, please contact Kim Yeandle-Hignell, Customer Experience Manager.

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