The Posthumanities Hub blog recently posted an essay written by the Urban Terrorism-project’s Research Fellow and Hub affiliated researcher, Evelien Geerts.
The piece, titled “The more-than-human materializations of violence, remembrance, and times of crisis,” touches upon Geerts’ situated positionality as a transdisciplinary thinker, while zooming in on some of the challenges that arise when researching the more-than-human materializations of political violence, remembrance, and the potentially critical pedagogical praxes and teachings that can be deduced from living-with(in) times of terror-affected crisis. Geerts’ haunting encounter with the more-than-human Memorial 22/3, located in Brussels’ Sonian Forest and erected as a serene tribute to the victims of the Brussels Airport and Maelbeek attacks on the 22nd of March, 2016, is also narrated.
The full essay can be read here.