The Centre for Corpus Linguistics and the Nineteenth-Century Centre at the University of Birmingham will be jointly running a training session on using the CLiC web application for the study of 19th century fiction. CLiC includes all novels by Charles Dickens, a collection of 19th century classics and a collection of 19th century children’s literature. The training … Continue reading “6 July: CLiC for 19th Century Scholars”
31 October: 19CC Book Launch
Join us as we celebrate recent publications of 19C Centre members and kick off the new academic year. When: Wednesday 31st October 2018, 5:00-6:00pm Where: Arts Lecture Room 4
14 November: Dr. Koenraad Claes (Ghent)
Join us for a talk by Dr. Koenraad Claes (Ghent University) on “Late Victorian Little Magazines and the Invention of the Avant-Garde” When: Wednesday, 14 November 2018, 5:00-7:00pm Where: Arts Lecture Room 4
3 December: Call for Papers for Mesh (Charles Dickens Special Edition)
Mesh publishes high-quality undergraduate work that makes interesting connections between two or more of the various strands of English, including literature, language/linguistics, creative writing, drama, media and film studies. EXTENDED DEADLINE: Monday 3rd December 2018 “The next issue of Mesh will be on the theme of the work of Charles Dickens. We invite submissions based … Continue reading “3 December: Call for Papers for Mesh (Charles Dickens Special Edition)”
5 December: “Animal Spirits: The Medieval Book and the Natural History Museum, from the Nineteenth Century to Today,” with Professor Janine Rogers (Mount Allison)
Professor Janine Rogers will present “Animal Spirits: The Medieval Book and the Natural History Museum, from the Nineteenth Century to Today”. Co-sponsored with CLEMT and CESMA. When: Wednesday 5th December 2018, 4:30-6:30pm Where: Arts Lecture Room 2
10 December: 19CC Work-in-Progress
When: Monday 10th December 2018, 1:00-2:00pm Where: Fage Library, Arts 250
18 June: BAVS Careers Day
Undertaking a PhD is an enriching but exhausting experience. Deciding what to do afterwards can be another challenge, especially when contending with the realities of the academic job market, or if you’re unsure whether an academic career is for you. To support PGRs and ECRs through this stage, BAVS will be holding a careers training … Continue reading “18 June: BAVS Careers Day”
29 June: Ninth Reading Group: Voicing the Non-Human
Muirhead 113, University of Birmingham 29th June 2018, 1pm This BrANCA reading group will explore the presence of the non-human and nineteenth-century efforts to present and give voice to the non-human figures and presences. Framed by Harriet Beecher Stowe’s essay ‘The Rights of Dumb Animals’, published in Hearth and Home in 1869 and reprinted in an animal rights … Continue reading “29 June: Ninth Reading Group: Voicing the Non-Human”
9 May: Dr. Justine Pizzo (Southampton)
When: Wednesday 9 May, 5-7pm Where: Arts 439 (Shackleton Room)
9-10th April: Midlands Modernist Network’s Transitions: Bridging the Victorian-Modernist Divide Conference
The conference will be held on 9th and 10th of April 2018 at the University of Birmingham. Transitions is an international, interdisciplinary conference seeking to open a dialogue between Victorianist and Modernist scholars. The conference will interrogate the historical, theoretical and thematic divides that have evolved from the artificial critical boundary set at the turn of … Continue reading “9-10th April: Midlands Modernist Network’s Transitions: Bridging the Victorian-Modernist Divide Conference”