More funding for social care?

  On 19 December the Department of Communities and Local Government announced that councils will be able to raise tax by up to 5.99% to address shortfalls in social care funding: Government sets out further measures to support councils to deliver services This announcement will be  welcome good news  for many but will also have lead to some mixed … Continue reading “More funding for social care?”

Caregiver campaigns in the news: John’s Campaign

John’s Campaign  was founded in 2014 by Nicci Gerrard and Julia Jones. It  campaigns  for the rights of people with dementia to be supported by their family carers. Nicci Gerrard’s recent article in the Guardian “How a simple plan to give dignity to dementia patients changed society“ (3/12/17) talks about the origins of the campaign and what it has achieved. … Continue reading “Caregiver campaigns in the news: John’s Campaign”

Caregivers’ voices: Jean’s Christmas blog

  This blog for Christmas is  written by Jean who has taken some time out to write for us about her role as a carer and her interest and participation in research.  If Jean’s blog inspires you to write about your own experiences as a caregiver we would be very happy to post your blog … Continue reading “Caregivers’ voices: Jean’s Christmas blog”

New NHS NIHR review: Comprehensive Care – Research on older people living with frailty in hospitals

  This themed review covers  key aspects of caring for older people living with frailty in hospital including  caring environments. It features 33 published studies & 20 ongoing research projects Read more