On 28 September 2018, we hosted a half day invitation only stakeholder workshop at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. At the workshop, we presented the findings of our empirical research as well as our proposals for reform of UK counter-terrorism review with a view to garnering critical responses as to their accuracy, practicability, and potential effectiveness. This informed the finalisation of the proposed reforms and will served as an opportunity for academics, counter-terrorism review practitioners, and civil society to engage in constructive dialogue about how counter-terrorism review currently works, and about desired reforms.
Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2018
We put together a panel on ‘Accountability for Counter-Terrorism‘ at the LSA Annual Meeting 2018 in Toronto. The panel was chaired by Professor Victor V Ramraj (University of Victoria) and included papers by Professor Kent Roach (University of Toronto), Professor Craig Forcese (University of Ottawa), Dr Nicola McGarrity (University of New South Wales), and Dr Michael Nesbitt (University of Calgary), as well as ourselves.
The panel explored the current state of accountability for counter-terrorism in Australia, Canada, and the UK. In doing so it highlighted the challenges faced across all three jurisdictions.