GSSPP’s Empowering Training Week: Elevating 2nd Year Students through Applied Practice  

Written by Daniel Lothian    We’re thrilled to share the incredible highlights from the recent training week here at The University of Birmingham, organized by the Graduate School of Sport and Professional Practice (GSSPP). This immersive week was exclusively for our 2nd-year undergraduate students who will undertake an applied work placement in the coming academic year. … Continue reading “GSSPP’s Empowering Training Week: Elevating 2nd Year Students through Applied Practice  “

Medical Teams Preparation for the Rugby World Cup 2023

Written by Caroline White World cups are coming thick and fast in the sports world. Following the England women’s football success of reaching the final in Australia, attention now turns to the Men’s Rugby World Cup, which is being hosted slightly more locally in France in September.   Teams have been fine-tuning their squads in warm … Continue reading “Medical Teams Preparation for the Rugby World Cup 2023”

Football’s New Stoppage Time Rules: A Game Changer for Player Physical Exertion? 

Written by Dr Liam Anderson Football has recently seen a change in its rules with the introduction of new additional time regulations. These rules have sparked discussions and debates among fans, players, and staff at professional clubs with high profile players and managers expressing their thoughts on the new rule. One of the key discussions … Continue reading “Football’s New Stoppage Time Rules: A Game Changer for Player Physical Exertion? “

Operationalising Thoughtful Practice 

Written by Dr Paul Garner The Graduate School of Sport and Professional Practice has a number of functions from supervising and supporting postgraduate research, to working with external agencies, to consulting on applied interventions and supporting performance enhancement within University of Birmingham Sport. Our work draws upon an eclectic range of expertise, both academic and … Continue reading “Operationalising Thoughtful Practice “

Hitting peak performance at the right time

Written by Dr Jamie Pringle In top-level sport, the need for a player and team to hit the highest heights of their performance at just the right time presents an opportunity and a risk. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen the world championships in cycling (a once-a-year event) and in athletics (once every other … Continue reading “Hitting peak performance at the right time”

The Graduate School of Sport and Professional Practice: Some insights from a personal journey 

Written by Professor Barry Drust I was lucky enough to do my PhD on the physical demands of football; a topic that I always had an interest in. I had always wanted to work within the sport and so I really hoped that the knowledge that I got from doing my PhD would provide me … Continue reading “The Graduate School of Sport and Professional Practice: Some insights from a personal journey “