Lessons from a research visit

By Professor Barry Drust Collaborations with other researchers provide a range of opportunities in my experience. One overt one is the opportunity to travel and spend time in a different country, a different university and a different research group. I was lucky enough recently to be hosted by Dr Scott Mclean a Senior Research Fellow and  … Continue reading “Lessons from a research visit”

Join us for the GAPS campaign 2024 to work with para-athletes of the Commonwealth nations

Who is involved in GAPS?  The project draws over 100 para-athletes, coaches, and experts from across the Commonwealth nations, along with our volunteers from diverse disciplines, including yourself!  What is GAPS?   GAPS is a sports initiative developed by the Commonwealth Games Federation and Griffith University which works to develop inclusive sports pathways in partnership with … Continue reading “Join us for the GAPS campaign 2024 to work with para-athletes of the Commonwealth nations”