Lessons from a research visit

By Professor Barry Drust Collaborations with other researchers provide a range of opportunities in my experience. One overt one is the opportunity to travel and spend time in a different country, a different university and a different research group. I was lucky enough recently to be hosted by Dr Scott Mclean a Senior Research Fellow and  … Continue reading “Lessons from a research visit”

Asking for help shows strength, not weakness 

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo credit: Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash I think we all suffer from putting tasks off. We might pick the low-hanging fruit and then procrastinate on the more complex tasks. That can wait until tomorrow…  I’ve come to realise that often I put off the tasks which I might feel I’m ill-equipped to complete. I … Continue reading “Asking for help shows strength, not weakness “

Performance Monitoring is Introduced at The University of Birmingham 

By Daniel Lothian The Graduate School of Sport and Professional Practice (GSSPP) and The University of Birmingham have invested in a full athlete-monitoring GPS system, provided by leaders in the field Catapult Sports, to use for student development, provide further performance support to our flagship sports and undertake applied research. The GPS units themselves will … Continue reading “Performance Monitoring is Introduced at The University of Birmingham “