Making the most of work experience opportunities  

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo by Bill Jelen on Unsplash  This month I was lucky enough to have been invited onto the Science for Sport podcast to speak about something that we’re all passionate about within the GSSPP. Matt and I discussed how to go about landing an internship or placement and how to get the most out … Continue reading “Making the most of work experience opportunities  “

Build Your Own Playbook 

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash  I love the part of a podcast at the start where the host asks the guest how they got to where they are today. It’s interesting to hear the journey different people have been on and the twists and turns along the way. We should be careful not … Continue reading “Build Your Own Playbook “

Making the most of your opportunities 

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash  Over the last few weeks, I’ve been involved in a number of interviews for students applying for placements in professional sport. The students have some guidance around applying for jobs and interview conduct and the majority interviewed excellently.  Despite this, there were still a handful of issues, which … Continue reading “Making the most of your opportunities “

Knowledge Versus Know-how 

By Dr Jamie Pringle The professional, vocational, or transferable skills are the make and break of practitioners, coaches, and leaders in performance sport – think communication, teamwork, leadership, as well character and behaviours. University mostly does a decent job of educating students from a technical perspective – they typically know their chops – but often … Continue reading “Knowledge Versus Know-how “

Some people have just got it…? 

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo Credit: Diego PH on Unsplash A lot of the students I interact with are interested in working in elite sport. Through the opportunities we’ve put together at the University and our extensive network, we’re able to facilitate this in the form of placements. Over the years I’ve often been told … Continue reading “Some people have just got it…? “