An Applied PhD Student in Professional Football: Reflections From The 1st Month 

We have recently set up an applied PhD studentship in collaboration with Norwich City Football Club. Michael Cornes has now begun his journey on this process and has been in post for a little over 1 month. To help perspective and current students and industry partners, Mike has outlined his reflections from his 1st month … Continue reading “An Applied PhD Student in Professional Football: Reflections From The 1st Month “

Football’s New Stoppage Time Rules: A Game Changer for Player Physical Exertion? 

Written by Dr Liam Anderson Football has recently seen a change in its rules with the introduction of new additional time regulations. These rules have sparked discussions and debates among fans, players, and staff at professional clubs with high profile players and managers expressing their thoughts on the new rule. One of the key discussions … Continue reading “Football’s New Stoppage Time Rules: A Game Changer for Player Physical Exertion? “

The Graduate School of Sport and Professional Practice: Some insights from a personal journey 

Written by Professor Barry Drust I was lucky enough to do my PhD on the physical demands of football; a topic that I always had an interest in. I had always wanted to work within the sport and so I really hoped that the knowledge that I got from doing my PhD would provide me … Continue reading “The Graduate School of Sport and Professional Practice: Some insights from a personal journey “