Industry Insights – Ben Mortlock

By Dan Lothian In the conversation between Dan Lothian and Ben Mortlock, Ben shares his journey in the sports industry, particularly in football, highlighting key insights about working in this competitive field.  Ben began his career as a sports therapist in 2008, working with various clubs, including Grimsby Town, Tottenham Hotspur, Wolves and the England … Continue reading “Industry Insights – Ben Mortlock”

Be the change you want to see 

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo by ameenfahmy on Unsplash  Last week saw the launch of our new MSc in High-Performance Sport. The programme takes the traditional theory of an applied sports science masters, blends it with coach education, emotional intelligence and inter-personal skills, all wrapped up in a problem-based learning approach.  I’ve spoken quite a lot on LinkedIn … Continue reading “Be the change you want to see “