This post summarises a paper by Joseph T F Roberts – Taking Embodiment Seriously in Public Policy and Practice: Adopting a Procedural Approach to Health and Welfare’ – recently published in the Monash Bioethics Review.
Public Procurement and Labour Rights – Sapiens Network at the ITCILO Academy on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Natalia Spataru updates on her secondment and research at the ITCILO Academy
State of the pleadings: Ukraine, Russia and 32 musketeers before the International Court of Justice
In this post, Professor Alexander Orakhelashvili critiques assertions made by applicant and intervening States in the Ukraine v Russia case that the International Court of Justice has jurisdiction under the Genocide Convention
Should the BBC refer to Hamas as terrorists?
In this post, Dr Alan Greene discusses the meaning of terrorism in the light of the scope and purpose of UK’s counter-terrorist legislation
Exploring Evidential Relevance in the Crown Court: Views from the Bar
In this post, Polly Hernandez discusses the relevance criteria applicable to evidence in criminal proceedings
This month’s Research Spotlight is on Dr Manisha Mathews and her work on fatherhood, leave policy and equality law.
Confuse the law, protect the aggressor: lex ferenda and the ICRC’s (mis)definition of “international armed conflict”
In this post, Professor Alexander Orakhelashvili critiques the ICRC’s approach on international armed conflicts
Climate Change and Climate Anxiety at the Law School
In this post, Dr Lovleen Bhullar and Professor Natasa Mavronicola discuss how climate change and climate anxiety can shape students’ experiences and pursuits within and beyond the Law School.
Use of force and legal reasoning: selectivity unbound?
In this post, Professor Alexander Orakhelashvili comments on contributions relating to the legal regime of the use of force by professors Ingrid (Wuerth) Brunk and Monica Hakimi, co-editors in chief of the American Journal of International Law.
In this post, Dr John Kendall discusses measures to safeguard detainees from harm and the relevant issues of accountability