In this post, Professor Nelson Enonchong discusses relationships between banks and borrowers in the non-commercial context.
Category: Private and Commercial Law
Share ownership transparency: between shareholder ideology and public accountability – the cases of England and Japan
In this post, Professor Lorraine Talbot and Dr Andreas Kokkinis compare the aspects of share ownership law in England and Japan
International Writing Workshops on Access to Justice in Southeast Asia
A call for papers for the upcoming event on access to justice in Southeast Asia, from Dr Georgia Antonopoulou
Adham’s research is in the field of construction law and dispute resolution. Its aim is to support developers and contractors in the prevention and efficient resolution of contractual disputes.
In this post, Dr Chukwuma Okoli explains how his interest in the commercial conflict of laws has developed
RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT: Dr Samantha Schnobel
The month’s Research Spotlight is on Samantha Schnobel and her work on doctrinal and theoretical approaches to relational obligations in negligence.
A New Court Open for International Business Soon: The Commercial Court in Cyprus
In this post, Georgia Antonopoulou (Birmingham Law School) & Xandra Kramer discuss the novel international commercial court established in Cyprus
RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT: Georgia Antonopoulou and her work on international commercial dispute resolution
This month’s Research Spotlight is on Georgia Antonopoulou and her work in international commercial dispute resolution
Contract Law: Going, going, gone?
In this blogpost, Dr Catherine Mitchell discusses the modern dynamics of English contract law
Set up for failure? Reflections on the sustainability of the proposed Statutory Debt Repayment Plan (SDRP) and other long-term debt repayment solutions
In this post, Dr Katharina Möser elaborates on some of the points made in her response to the HM Treasury, Open Consultation August 2022: Statutory Debt Repayment Plan