The King’s Speech 2024 – Implications for Place

Alice Pugh and Rebecca Riley discuss the key takeaways from the King’s Speech and explain what the proposed legislative agenda will mean for place. This week the King’s Speech marked the start of the parliamentary year, it sets out the new Labour government’s priorities over the parliamentary year following the general election. The speech itself … Continue reading “The King’s Speech 2024 – Implications for Place”

Bridging Research and Practice: Harnessing Community Engagement for Social Impact

Sophie Cloutterbuck, Director of London Engagement at London Metropolitan University, believes universities have a vital role beyond academia. Here, she blogs about how they can be powerful agents for social change and foster a vibrant connection with the communities they serve, and shares how she and her team embedded this vision at the heart of … Continue reading “Bridging Research and Practice: Harnessing Community Engagement for Social Impact”

“Fix the Broken System”

Sarah Longlands from the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) and Eleanor Radcliffe, formerly CLES and now at Carbon Coop, discuss how local authorities across the UK are plugging the gap left by central governments in their efforts to tackle the climate crisis. This blog was first posted on the CLES blog site and in … Continue reading ““Fix the Broken System””

Evidence-Based Insights: Cultural, Recovery, Policy and Place in the UK

This blog post by Dr James Davies summarises the approach taken on an evidence review of the role of culture and cultural recovery in place-based policies as part of the Local Policy Innovation Partnership (LPIP) Hub. It takes a multifaceted approach, defining key concepts and identifying key questions around uneven funding, the crucial role of … Continue reading “Evidence-Based Insights: Cultural, Recovery, Policy and Place in the UK”

Exploring Educational Frameworks Across the UK: A Comparative Look at Knowledge Exchange and Teaching Excellence

The UK’s higher education frameworks, shaped by devolved governance, play a critical role in regional development, business innovation, and community benefits. Each nation—England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland—has distinct policies and funding structures. Elizabeth Goodyear explains how these frameworks work within each nation and how they compare to frameworks such as KEF and TEF. In … Continue reading “Exploring Educational Frameworks Across the UK: A Comparative Look at Knowledge Exchange and Teaching Excellence”

The Importance of a Business Case

Alice Pugh discusses the main purposes of having a business case and the importance of producing business cases for an initiative. What is the purpose of a business case? HM Treasury defines a business case as a management tool and a living document which is developed over time as a living document as the proposal for … Continue reading “The Importance of a Business Case”

The (Economic) Magic of Place-Based Policy for Communities in Driving Outcomes

Dr Abigail Taylor and Dr Anita Soni highlight the significant academic benefits Sure Start centres had on disadvantaged children living nearby before the 2010 policy shifts away from localised early years support. As policymakers consider new family support initiatives like Family Hubs, informed community involvement and a focus on marginalized families remain crucial for ensuring … Continue reading “The (Economic) Magic of Place-Based Policy for Communities in Driving Outcomes”

Activating Communities for Regional Renewal

Alison Park, Head of Creating Opportunities of Improving Outcomes, UKRI, and Deputy Executive Chair of ESRC looks at the importance of research and innovation to the UK, and how the Local Policy Innovation Partnerships (LPIPs) program addresses this importance by fostering collaborations tailored to local needs in economic growth, health, and community engagement. This blog … Continue reading “Activating Communities for Regional Renewal”

Understanding the UK’s Higher Education Excellence Frameworks: Why They Matter to Local Policy Innovation Partnerships

Elizabeth Goodyear explains that more fulfilling partnerships can be formed with Universities when organisations have an understanding of the UK’s Higher Education excellence frameworks. Why do the excellence frameworks matter? We were asked by our non-university partners why the UK’s Higher Education excellence frameworks should matter to them and why they should be interested. Partners … Continue reading “Understanding the UK’s Higher Education Excellence Frameworks: Why They Matter to Local Policy Innovation Partnerships”

When Developing and Evaluating Place-based Interventions, Do We Need a Double-Theory Approach?

To develop and evaluate place-based interventions, George Bramley draws on a recent review of the evaluation of place-based approaches by the Youth Endowment Fund.  When first asked to think about the evaluation of place-based interventions that would result from Local Policy Innovation Partnerships (LPIPs), my first instinct was to check whether anyone has produced any … Continue reading “When Developing and Evaluating Place-based Interventions, Do We Need a Double-Theory Approach?”