Mar de Sombras/Sea of Shadows exhibition catalogue

If you attended our launch event at the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester — thank you! We have created an online form to gather feedback from attendees, which you can access by scanning the QR code below or following this link. We would be grateful if you could take the time to let us know what … Continue reading “Mar de Sombras/Sea of Shadows exhibition catalogue”

Sea of Shadows / Mar de sombras

The MtC team are very excited to announce our upcoming exhibition, Sea of Shadows / Mar de sombras, curated by Mónica Jato and Marta Simó-Comas. The exhibition will run from June 14 to July 19 2024 at the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester. More information can be found on the poster below, and you can reserve … Continue reading “Sea of Shadows / Mar de sombras”

Workshop: Call for Participants

WORKSHOP WITH THE DESCENDANTS OF THE BASQUE CHILDREN EVACUATED TO THE UK DURING THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR AS WELL WITH THOSE MORE BROADLY INVOLVED IN THIS CHAPTER OF HISTORY The working group Memory as Transgenerational Care (Transmisión Transgeneracional de la Memoria), formed by members of various UK academic institutions and the Association for the Basque … Continue reading “Workshop: Call for Participants”

About the Project

The recuperation of the democratic memory of 20th-Century in Spain has endured a long and arduous process. It was first repressed during the Franco Dictatorship (1939-1975) and then remained dormant in the political domain during the country’s transition into democracy and its Amnesty Law (1977), since there were neither legal nor symbolic reparations for the … Continue reading “About the Project”

The Memory Care Team

Monument to the Niñ@s de Guerra in Santurtzi. Photo by BCA37UK. The project ‘Memory as Transgenerational Care’ is led by PI Mónica Jato, and comprises a diverse group of artists, academics, and memory activists. The working team is formed of the following members: Work by Judith Martínez Estrada. To contact the team, please send us … Continue reading “The Memory Care Team”