Lessons from the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

To highlight the breadth of the research going on within POLSIS, the POLSIS Blog is today launching a series of month-long ‘Research Agendas’.  Each month, the blog will feature a series of posts showcasing some of the exciting theories and issues that POLSIS staff and PhD candidates are working on. The Research Agendas will be … Continue reading “Lessons from the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities”

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Dr Jonathan Grix on the Olympics

The Olympic Games are now less than two weeks away.  In this podcast for the University of Birmingham’s Ideas Lab, POLSIS’s Dr Jonathan Grix discusses the Olympic ‘legacy’, the impact of the Games outside the capital, and parallels with the 1948 Austerity Olympics, which were also held in London.  [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/53007407″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81″ iframe=”false” /]

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Only Vatican can change the Catholic Church

On Friday, POLSIS’s Gëzim Alpion, Lecturer in Sociology, was interviewed by the Slovakian newspaper PRAVDA on recent developments in the Vatican. While there is no English translation of the newspaper article, the editor Andrej Matisak has uploaded details of those he interviewed on his blog.  Gëzim’s contribution is reproduced here: Andrej Matisak: We have seen some strong actions … Continue reading “Only Vatican can change the Catholic Church”

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Reflections on Egypt’s new president

Egypt’s new president Dr Mahamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was sworn into office on Saturday. International reaction to his victory has been remarkably upbeat, in sharp contrast with the reaction to the electoral win of Palestine’s Hamas movement in January 2006, writes POLSIS’s Michelle Pace. On Sunday 24 June 2012, Egypt’s presidential election commission … Continue reading “Reflections on Egypt’s new president”

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Colin Thain argues for new direction in economic policy making

The current state of the economy is like the 1930s, says Professor Colin Thain of POLSIS. We should support Nobel laureate Paul Krugman’s new ‘economic manifesto’ and demand a change of direction in UK and Western economic policymaking. Paul Krugman’s ‘Manifesto for Economic Sense’  has been signed by a huge range of economists and political economists around the world, including: Charles … Continue reading “Colin Thain argues for new direction in economic policy making”

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Libya’s Arab Spring: What lessons for the EU?

While EU member states took leading roles the NATO operation in Libya, the role of the EU itself was limited largely to the provision of humanitarian assistance.  Despite a positive track record in crisis management missions and operations on three continents, the EU’s capacity to effect positive change in its southern neighbourhood remains in doubt, writes POLSIS’s … Continue reading “Libya’s Arab Spring: What lessons for the EU?”

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Euro 2012 and the UK’s ‘Semi-boycott’

This post first appeared on e-International Relations England’s (not such a) shock-defeat to Italy may still be raw in the nation’s collective consciousness, but hey, look on the bright side: at least the government can stop agonising over whether ministers should attend the final. POLSIS’ Jonathan Grix explores the curious case of the UK semi-boycott … Continue reading “Euro 2012 and the UK’s ‘Semi-boycott’”

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From Diana to the Diamond Jubilee: The Royal Family, Postmodern Pastiche and Consumerism

With the nation’s bunting safely packed away until the next ‘once in a lifetime’ event, POLSIS PhD researcher Alex Oaten reflects on what the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee weekend tells us about contemporary consumerist culture. Being trapped in a weekend of Diamond Jubilee celebrations is tough when you are an ill tempered Republican, trying to find … Continue reading “From Diana to the Diamond Jubilee: The Royal Family, Postmodern Pastiche and Consumerism”

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