8th April 2020 by

Page Breaks: ‘What Happens When You Wake Up in the Night’


Michael Marshall Smith, ‘What Happens When You Wake Up in the Night’ (8 pages, PDF). Wed 22 April, 1pm.

A few links for things we discussed in the group!

(thanks to Rhys and Liam for sharing these)

Time and Place

  • 1 pm, 22 April 2020
  • Via Zoom:
    Link 1 (1pm): https://zoom.us/j/247406551
    Link 2 (1:40pm) https://zoom.us/j/93827683942

This event is run by Dorothy Butchard (d.butchard@bham.ac.uk) and Toria Johnson (t.johnson@bham.ac.uk). Please email us if you have any questions, but you’re welcome to just turn up – no need to register in advance!

Looking forward to seeing you all again soon. And have a think about what you might like to read/watch in future weeks!

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