On Thursday 28th September 2023, we’ll have a welcome event for all new postgraduate researchers in English Literature. This will complement the Graduate School and EDACS inductions, and offer you a chance to meet fellow new starters in the department. It’ll be informal and friendly, so please do come along!
This event will be hybrid: simultaneously online and in person.
Time: 5pm, Thu 28th September
In person: Lecture Room 7, Arts Building, Edgbaston Campus
On zoom: https://bham-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/87369868455
For further events taking place through the term, do check out our weekly reading group, Page Breaks, starting on 2nd October, and the details of postgraduate-led reading groups on this page.
Please email the Department Lead for Postgraduate Research, Dorothy Butchard (d.butchard@bham.ac.uk) if you have any questions before or after this event.