16th April 2024 by

Pop Culture Theory Group (5pm, Wed 24th March)

Our next session will be on Wednesday 24th April, from 5-7pm, looking at Sara Ahmed’s Complaint!

It’s available on the UoB library system as an ebook, but if you can’t access it for any reason, send me an email!

If you have the time, I’d love for you to read the introduction, but if you want to follow up with some of the things discussed in it, I also recommend Philosophy Tube’s great video about the trans healthcare system in the UK.

While reading and/or watching, it would be great if you could think about ways the texts apply to your work, any connections you can find to pop culture, and your main takeaways.

For info about the room booking or zoom link, email Georgie @ gxr697@student.bham.ac.uk.