25th May 2024 by

Pop Culture Theory Group (5pm, Wed 5th June)

After a bit of a delay due to end-of-term busyness, PCTG will be back on Wednesday 5th June 2024 from 5-7pm to discuss queer podcasts and audio fiction, thanks to a suggestion from Graeme!

If you have the time, it would be great if you could read Ella Watts‘s chapter ‘Queer Networks Versus Global Corporations: The Battle for the Soul of Audio Fiction‘ from The Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio, pp.437-447.

As always, if you can’t find the time to read it, we’d still love to hear your thoughts! If you enjoy queer podcasts and audio fiction yourself, please bring along an example to discuss.

For info about the room booking or zoom link, email Georgie @ gxr697@student.bham.ac.uk.