This week, we’ll reflect on the appeal of poetry in times of conflict, thinking about how and why people have turned to verse in the context of warfare.
Text (Reading)
- Alison Stine, “What’s with all the viral poems? Why we turn to verse in a time of war” Read online (Salon)
- Ilya Kaminsky, “We Lived Happily During the War”, from Deaf Republic. Read online (Poets.org)
“Time” and “Place”
- Wednesday 9th March 2022, 1 pm
- Zoom: Link (Password: pagebreaks).
Looking forward to seeing you again soon! This event is run by Dorothy Butchard and Toria Johnson (d.butchard@bham.ac.uk and t.johnson@bham.ac.uk). Please email us if you have any questions, but you’re welcome to just turn up.
Page Breaks is a (very) informal weekly reading group within the Department of English Literature. All welcome!