Works Loved Teach Out: Solidarity and Resistance

To mark the UCU industrial action, we’re planning to run an off-campus teach out session using our regular ‘Works Loved’ format. We invite you to share any favourite text that relates to themes of solidarity and resistance. Are there books that you return to in challenging times? Texts that capture instances of activism and protest, … Continue reading “Works Loved Teach Out: Solidarity and Resistance”

11 February 2020 by

Romance Reading Group Launch: Valentines Special

Launching on Thursday 13th February 2020, the Romance Reading Group will be running bi-monthly, postgraduate-led sessions on Thursdays 4:00-6:00 in Arts 439. These sessions will all focus on the undervalued yet meaningful popular genre: romance.

4 February 2020 by

Imagining Catastrophe – February 4th

Join us at 4pm in Arts 141 on the 4th of February for a discussion of Michael Richardson’s ‘Climate Trauma, or the Affects of the Catastrophe to Come’. In this article Richardson argues that ‘climate catastrophe are traumatically affecting without necessarily being traumatizing: they are jarring, rupturing, disjunctive experiences of future crisis in the now.’ … Continue reading “Imagining Catastrophe – February 4th”

29 January 2020 by

Page Breaks Teaching Special (Wed 5 Feb 2:30pm)

This week’s Page Breaks will be an informal special session to reflect on tips and techniques for teaching undergraduate seminars, including suggestions for preparation and ways to prompt discussion. We’ll share examples of good (and bad!) teaching experiences, and exchange ideas on what has worked well in different seminar contexts.

29 January 2020 by

Page Breaks (Wed 22 Jan) Mars is Heaven!

Ray Bradbury’s short story ‘The Third Expedition’, first published as ‘Mars is Heaven’ in 1948 and later collected in The Martian Chronicles, describes the arrival of a space expedition on Mars whose crew discover a seemingly familiar American town.

20 January 2020 by

Page Breaks (29 Jan): ‘Dialogue between Old England and New’, with Peter Auger

In this new series for Page Breaks, we’ve asked other members of staff to bring in passages they’re puzzling over at the moment in their own research. We’ll be using the sessions for members of staff to discuss their work in its very first stages – when they’re still at the stage of asking questions … Continue reading “Page Breaks (29 Jan): ‘Dialogue between Old England and New’, with Peter Auger”

20 January 2020 by