Why Mental Health is Important at University

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By Varan, Computer Science
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Birmingham

Good mental wellbeing is essential at university because it can often be the case that, at some point, our mental health will struggle. Moving away from the familiarity of living with our families, leaving the normality of going to school and hanging out with friends we have known for years is scary. The prospect of meeting new people and moving into a new flat can be daunting and stressful. Yet despite this, there are many ways to help maintain and improve your mental health.

Firstly, staying in regular contact with your friends and family can never be underrated. They will always remain as a stable constant in your life who can guide and support you through these new and uncertain times.

Regular breaks from studying is also of the utmost importance – taking breaks can actually help you be more productive than working consistently without stopping. The university is full of places where you can go to take a break whether that be the communal spaces in the Library, Computer Science building, or the green spaces on campus or in the Vale.

Finally, the university provides ample support when it comes to supporting our mental wellbeing via support from tutors, college wellbeing, 24/7 mental health support line and much more. For example, there are well-being officers in every department who can help with extending deadlines and provide emotional support. Additionally, we also have UBHeard (a confidential listening and support service for students), the Guild of Students, and other 24/7 call support services to help students deal with hard times.

It is important that we make sure that our mental health is sustained because it will benefit not only our academic lives here at the university, but also our own personal lives, giving us more time to relax and enjoy time with friends.