While working on the Estoria project and producing its digital outputs, I hope a side effect is that we can add to the general infrastructure of the ‘textual community’, and in particular the Birmingham and Saskatchewan implementations of that.
I wrote a rather longer post here about how the technology of different projects could work together, but it seemed a bit technical, long and specific so I moved it here: A Distributed Global Textual Community, feel free to read it, or not. A taste:
Versions of data can be written at different sites and shared between them, yet what is considered the ‘approved’ or ‘best’ or ‘current’ version may be different at different sites.
Therefore the key to making textual communities into a distributed system is to separate the sharing of versions from the interpretation of these versions.
Professor Peter Robinson, formerly of this parish but now in in Saskatchewan, and leader of the Textual Communities project, is going to write a blog post with his thoughts on the topic, so I will let you know here when it arrives.
Happy Hacking!