Making the most of work experience opportunities  

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo by Bill Jelen on Unsplash  This month I was lucky enough to have been invited onto the Science for Sport podcast to speak about something that we’re all passionate about within the GSSPP. Matt and I discussed how to go about landing an internship or placement and how to get the most out … Continue reading “Making the most of work experience opportunities  “

Applied Learning in Practice

By Dr Paul Garner Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash Much is made about the importance of applied learning, universities are expected more than ever to prepare students for the workplace by facilitating learning through experience, in ‘real world’ contexts. This exposure to the messy, dynamic reality of action requires the ability to use knowledge that has perhaps … Continue reading “Applied Learning in Practice”

The PhD Journey – Insights From an Applied PhD Student

By Dr Jordan Slack As my PhD has come to an end, it has been a really valuable process for me to review my journey and reflect on how I have developed from a naïve academic coming out of my master’s degree – to trying to push myself to operate and perform at a PhD … Continue reading “The PhD Journey – Insights From an Applied PhD Student”

Build Your Own Playbook 

By Dr Tom Brownlee Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash  I love the part of a podcast at the start where the host asks the guest how they got to where they are today. It’s interesting to hear the journey different people have been on and the twists and turns along the way. We should be careful not … Continue reading “Build Your Own Playbook “

Pathway to Paris – Paralympic Gold for EDCAP scholar, Megan Richter! 

By Dave Sheldon On Monday 2nd September, Megan Richter of Team GB stormed through the Women’s PTS4 field and streets of Paris to win Gold in her debut games as a triathlete! Megan was the first to thank her support team in her post-race interview, acknowledging the incredible work done behind the scenes in getting … Continue reading “Pathway to Paris – Paralympic Gold for EDCAP scholar, Megan Richter! “

PhD students take their data collection abroad whilst helping football clubs prepare for their upcoming seasons 

By Dr Liam Anderson With the long-anticipated start of the football season now well upon us, lots of work has been happening behind the scenes in pre-season to help elite players prepare for the upcoming season. Whilst collecting data for their PhD’s, students from the University of Birmingham who are embedded within elite football clubs … Continue reading “PhD students take their data collection abroad whilst helping football clubs prepare for their upcoming seasons “