Build Your Own Playbook 

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By Dr Tom Brownlee

Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash 

I love the part of a podcast at the start where the host asks the guest how they got to where they are today. It’s interesting to hear the journey different people have been on and the twists and turns along the way. We should be careful not to overinterpret their story though. 

For a start, there may’ve been a good chunk of luck, where replication won’t lead to similar results for us. As well as luck, their story might be time specific. I was speaking with a colleague this week about students asking for career advice and this point came up. 

When I was looking for a chance in pro sport in 2010 I sent 40 emails to various clubs and was fortunate that I was offered an unpaid internship at a local Championship club. Largely, these mechanisms are now closed as the unpaid model rightly was seen as something that not all could take advantage of. 

This doesn’t mean that there are no opportunities though. Now, thankfully, many courses have embedded placements or strong links with local organisations. 

Alternatively, you could look to lower-level, or grass roots clubs. Here, the commitment from you is typically lower, which might make it financially easier. That isn’t the only bonus though. You will also have more responsibility, at a lower risk.  

The chance to safely use some creativity and learn some valuable lessons across a range of disciplines will really be seen as a plus when you come to interview for full-time jobs and explain your unique skillset. 

It’s important to learn from the past but we also have to consider the changing landscape as we go.

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