Guest Blog – 5 Things Aspiring Dentists Should Read, Watch, or Listen to This Week

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This guest blog is written by Karishma Dewitt, a Dental Student at the University of Birmingham and a member of Birmingham Widening Access to the Medical Sciences.

Hi everyone, my name is Karishma, I’m a 3rd Year Dental Student at UoB and here’s 5 things I think aspiring Dental Students should take a look at this week…


  1. A Collection of 7 videos produced by our very own Dental School
    Listen to current students talk about their experiences studying Dentistry, these short videos are a great resource to look at and provide you with unique insight into what life at Dental School is really like. Many of my peers are involved in these discussions covering a range of topics:

What is your top tip for anyone who wants to study Dental Surgery?
What advice would you have given yourself when applying to Dentistry knowing what you know now?
What has been the most rewarding part of studying your degree?
Tour of Birmingham Dental Hospital and School of Dentistry.
What made you choose Birmingham to study Dentistry?
What has been the best part of studying Dental Surgery at Birmingham?
What has been the worst part of studying BDS Dental Surgery at Birmingham?
Although they appear to cover Birmingham Dental School specifically, the candid advice from students is an insightful resource and one I wish I could have had. Date produced: 6 months ago

2. Restricting Amalgam Use in Specific Patient GroupsScottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) Guidance (Implementation Advice document)
Amalgam, the controversial “metal” mercury containing filling material used by our profession…when I was applying to study Dentistry I honestly had no clear insight into the debate around amalgam usage in Dentistry, sure I had googled it several times, read countless articles/blogs/sources discussing its use BUT it was just an incoherent jumble in my mind. Don’t panic, you won’t be expected to be well versed it the material properties of amalgam (at this stage) or an expert on the topic by any means BUT… you should have a basic understanding of what it is and why it is such a topical material. It is slowly being phased out globally in line with the Global Minamata Convention, with some Dental Students/Dentist’s overseas never having used it and some UK Dental School’s no longer teaching you how to use it. The SCDEP are an invaluable source to refer to in your clinical years publishing guidance on a range of topics from things such as caries (decay) in children to antibiotic use. This is a fairly easy read and they have some handy leaflets for patients also. Date published: June 2018. The British Dental Association (BDA) also have a page of information and links regarding amalgam if you want to read further…

3. Oral Hygiene TipsScottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SCEDP)
Advice!! It’s just one of the many things that patients will come to you for.
This short video shows an interaction between a Dentist and patient where she provides him with advice about plaque removal as well as tips on brushing. It’s useful to see an interaction like this and just how effective clear communication can be.

4. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 6th edition– Laura Mitchell and David A. Mitchell
This pocket guide covers a range of topics from communication and professionalism to preventive dentistry and some insight into the different dental specialities. Easy to read and concise information all in the palm of your hand. Date published: July 2014

5. Delivering better oral health: an evidenced based toolkit for prevention by Public Health England (PHE)
If you come to Birmingham Dental School this priceless document will be referenced countless times throughout your 5 years and even when you escape out into practice…and WHY NOT… It’s an easy but essential read covering guidance on a range of topics for the dental team directly from PHE (e.g. fluoride, healthy eating, smoking, alcohol use and oral health…)
Don’t get too overwhelmed with the tables/graphs of guidance targeted towards dental professionals. Refer to the contents page and read information under any sections you find interesting to give you an overview of what preventive dentistry looks like.

Thanks for making it this far down the page.
Hope these sources start to point you in the right direction.
Stay safe and stay home.

By Karishma Dewitt

A huge thanks to Karishma for all the time and effort she put into putting this blog together.

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Author: Clare Ray

Clare Ray is the College of Medical and Dental Sciences lead for Outreach and Widening Participation.
