Reece Bushell, fifth year BDS Dentistry – Q&A

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We asked fifth year BDS Dentistry student, Reece Bushell some questions about his experiences studying at the University of Birmingham.

Why did you apply to study Dentistry at the University of Birmingham?

Dentistry offered the perfect type of career for what I was looking for. It is scientific and evidence-based, practical, a very social job working within the dental team and with patients to help them with their oral health and has a good work-life balance.

What has your overall experience as an University of Birmingham student been like so far?

I am fairly local to the university and have experienced life at university both while living out and at home and have appreciated both. I couldn’t imagine myself doing dentistry at any other institution other than UoB and will miss it very much once I graduate.

For me nothing comes close to the fondness I have for the dental school and all the staff members there. I have been a part of a big family and will very much miss everyone when I graduate.

What has been the best thing about studying at the University of Birmingham?

There is such a variety of things that are offered by the university including sports, societies, and work, in which I have participated in aspects of each. I have been a member at the sports and fitness centre for two years and enjoy the atmosphere there, a member of UoB Boxing society for one year, in which I pushed myself physically more than I thought I was able to and taken part in a number of societies including BUDSS, MedSoc, ARTE, MedSoc Big Band and BALADS. I have also worked several events with the dental school. All of the above has made my university experience more than just my degree and I have many fond memories to graduate with.

What has been your favourite part of studying Dentistry at Birmingham?

My course has been littered with practical activities and opportunities throughout my degree. We have had many practical simulations to prepare us for clinic which I have fond memories of. Personally, I love clinical practice and treating my own patients. I believe Birmingham has given me the maximum amount of autonomy as is suitable for an undergrad, as opposed to what is offered at other universities. I have a passion for Children’s Dentistry and my tutors have given me opportunity to expand my horizons in this speciality before graduating.

What advice would you give to students thinking about studying Dentistry?

  1. Know that you want to do Dentistry for the Right Reasons!
  2. Get involved and make the most of the other things the University of Birmingham has to offer as the course is extremely demanding.
  3. Take everything one day at a time – the grass may seem greener in the later years but make the most of every moment and take nothing for granted.

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