Monument to the Niñ@s de Guerra in Santurtzi. Photo by BCA37UK.
The project ‘Memory as Transgenerational Care’ is led by PI Mónica Jato, and comprises a diverse group of artists, academics, and memory activists.
The working team is formed of the following members:
- Professor Mónica Jato, University of Birmingham: PI
- Professor Alison Ribeiro de Menezes, University of Warwick: co-applicant and project collaborator
- Dr. Marta Simó-Comas, University of Reading: co-applicant and project collaborator
- Mia Parkes, University of Birmingham: research assistant
- Dr. Jules Whicker, University of Birmingham: project collaborator
- Alicia García Bergua: poet and writer
- Judith Martínez Estrada: artist and designer
- Claire Hignett: artist
- Asier Astigarraga: project collaborator (Basque Country)
- Basque Children Association UK (BCA37UK): project partner

Work by Judith Martínez Estrada.
To contact the team, please send us an email at memoryastransgenerationalcare@gmail.com, or alternatively send a message to @MemoryCare1937 on Twitter.