Wednesday 15 June 2022, 4.30-5.45pm, Zoom
Friends to lovers; the chosen one; a troubled detective – tropes like these are anchors for much of the popular and genre fiction that we encounter. But how useful are such tropes to authors writing genre fiction in the twenty-first century? How accessible or inclusive are they? How have authors used, re-used or reclaimed various genre tropes in their writing? Authors KJ Charles and Ausma Zehanat Khan join the Popular and Genre Research Network for a conversation about their use of genre tropes in their romance, fantasy, and crime writing. What are their favourite genre tropes? Which ones do they most despise? And how do they feel about the historical inclusivity of particular tropes? There will be a chance to ask your own questions during the event.
Register in advance: https://bham-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZkB6E1sbTGSz3Dtm4fBviA