
Podcasts, radio and TV programmes, newspaper articles

[Podcast] Bright Blue – think tank (27 January 2015): Why the centre-right needs a new approach to immigration, introduced and produced by Nick Denys. Participants: Ryan Shorthouse (Bright Blue’s immigration project), David Aaronovitch (The Times), Sunder Katwala (British Future), Dr Maria Sobolewska (University of Manchester), Jonathan Portes (National Institute of Economic and Social Research), and Professor Anthony Heath (Oxford Diversity Project). [Listen to the podcast]

[Radio programme] BBC Radio 4 (26 November 2014) Immigration, presented by David Aaronovitch and produced by Phil Pegum. Panellists: Matthew Taylor (Chief Executive of the RSA), Claire Fox (Director of the Institute of Ideas), Melanie Phillips (Social commentator of The Times) and Anne McElvoy (Public Policy Editor at the Economist). Witnesses: Ranjit Sondhi (University of Birmingham), David Goodhart (Chair of Demos’s Advisory Group), Professor Heaven Crawley (Coventry University) and Ed West (Deputy Editor of the Catholic Herald) [Listen to the programme]