Innovating Pedagogy 2019

Innovating Pedagogy 2019, is the latest in a series of annual reports by the Open University, which attempt to explore novel approaches to education which have the potential to transform learning and teaching. You can find a MicroCPD on this topic, here. And you can add your own thoughts on the report below. Previous editions … Continue reading “Innovating Pedagogy 2019”

Our 2026 Global Education Offer (Erica Arthur, International Relations)

The case for study abroad is increasingly compelling. Mounting political, economic and societal pressures assert the urgency of globally-connected and interculturally-aware citizens. Since 2011-2012 outgoing study abroad participation rates at UoB have increased by 63% — with 576 students (8.5% of the undergraduate cohort) studying abroad in 2016/17. In the next ten years we can … Continue reading “Our 2026 Global Education Offer (Erica Arthur, International Relations)”

How will students need/want to be assessed? (Institute of Clinical Sciences led workshop: discussion responses)

Students increasingly come from primary/secondary school settings where they undergo continual testing and will arrive here with different expectations from previous generations. We need to look at what schools are doing and ensure a smooth transition to HE Feedback from current students is that they value frequent assessment: to reduce assessment overload, yet meet this … Continue reading “How will students need/want to be assessed? (Institute of Clinical Sciences led workshop: discussion responses)”