The School of Biosciences Student Staff Committee had a short breakout session to join in with the Big Conversation. There were 14 students from all four undergraduate years in Biosciences. This is what our student reps said: In 10 years time We will still have face-to-face lectures We will still learn from active researchers and … Continue reading “Bioscience students value campus based formats, including lectures and lecturers who also research, but they expect interactive and engaging teaching making use of the latest technology”
Tag: technology
The Big Conversation – Student Views
Kathy Armour and Chris Wilkinson spent some time on campus talking with students to understand what they think a UoB education will look like in 2026.
Education in Ten Years’ Time – by the School of Physics and Astronomy’s Student Reps
In 10 years’ time, technology will have a much greater role in the way we learn. All students will be loaned tablets for the duration of their degree, which are optimised for their degree subject. Assessed problems can be submitted, marked and returned online, meaning people can easily access their feedback. This will also remove … Continue reading “Education in Ten Years’ Time – by the School of Physics and Astronomy’s Student Reps”
Supporting research based learning in a ‘born-digital’ world. Christopher Cipkin, Library Services
As technology increasingly drives the way education is delivered, the library of the future will need to rise to the challenge of collecting and archiving a wider range of digital formats – music, news media, gaming software, research data etc. We may need to adapt our library and IT infrastructure to better reflect an educational … Continue reading “Supporting research based learning in a ‘born-digital’ world. Christopher Cipkin, Library Services”
An Affair… by Dr. Tom Harrison
I have developed and run a MOOC; and have another in development. I run a fully distance learning MA. I did my PhD on a theme related to the Internet. You would think I would be in love with new technology and eLearning. My secret confession is… I have never been in love with it. … Continue reading “An Affair… by Dr. Tom Harrison”
Interesting stuff in the NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition
It’s worth taking a look at this if you are interested in digitech and learning. The Exec Summary is only one page if you don’t have time for the whole report. The 10 key points chime with much of what has been said in the Digital strand of our Big Conversation The NMC Horizon Report: … Continue reading “Interesting stuff in the NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition”
How will online and on campus learning be blended effectively? (Institute of Clinical Sciences led workshop: discussion responses)
Digital content will increasingly be able to offer the knowledge that students need – and then time in ‘live’ teaching sessions can be used in a productive skills-based way e.g. by using more ‘flipped’ lectures. In the future, there is likely to be less didactic teaching and our roles will be more around facilitating their learning … Continue reading “How will online and on campus learning be blended effectively? (Institute of Clinical Sciences led workshop: discussion responses)”
How will students want to learn (in your subject area)? (Institute of Clinical Sciences led workshop: discussion responses)
In health professions programmes, there is likely to be an increased demand for learning through simulation. Well-equipped and staffed simulation centres are attractive to students and can allow them to learn clinical skills in an environment that is safe for them and for patients. Use of simulation may extend to augmented reality and virtual reality … Continue reading “How will students want to learn (in your subject area)? (Institute of Clinical Sciences led workshop: discussion responses)”
New Technology – Jon Rowe
Trying to predict ahead what new technology will be on offer in 2026 is incredibly hard, and it is easy to be too conservative. Looking back to 2006, ten years ago, we had: – no iPhones – no iPads – no Facebook – Wikipedia yet to reach domination – no Twitter – Blockbuster video rental … Continue reading “New Technology – Jon Rowe”
Facebook is like friends re-united
Digital technologies have largely changed the way students interact and learn. For example, the chalk board is in the past and we have said bye bye to 3-ring binders. Yet the pace of technological change is unprecedented and the expectations for institutions and staff to learn, change and adapt, and be more dynamic are enormous. … Continue reading “Facebook is like friends re-united”