100th anniversary of British archaeologist Howard Carter opening the sealed doorway to Tutankhamen’s tomb in Thebes, Egypt ">0
16th February 2023 by

100th anniversary of British archaeologist Howard Carter opening the sealed doorway to Tutankhamen’s tomb in Thebes, Egypt

February 16 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of one of the most significant moments in the history of archaeology – the opening of the sealed doorway to Tutankhamen’s tomb in Thebes, Egypt. The discovery of which was made by the renowned archaeologist Howard Carter, who dedicated his life to uncovering the secrets of ancient Egypt.

On November 26, 1922, following years of searching and excavating, Carter finally made what become one of the greatest discoveries in the archaeological field as he stumbled upon the sealed doorway to the tomb of Tutankhamen, the young Pharoah who ruled Egypt over 3,000 years ago.

Carter and his team spent several years carefully excavating the tomb, cataloguing its treasures and restoring its artefacts. Having been untouched for centuries the gold death masks, jewellery, chariots, and array of other findings was finally able to shed light on the life and times of King Tut and ancient Egypt.

This discovery was a turning point in the field of Egyptology and not only sparked a renewed interest in ancient Egypt but Carter’s meticulous approach to excavation and preservation also set a new standard for archaeological research, continuing to inspire new generations of archaeologists.

In recognition of his achievements, Carter was awarded the Order of Merit by King George V in 1923. He continued to work as an archaeologist until his death in 1939 and his legacy continues to live on through the countless artefacts and treasures that he uncovered and preserved.

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